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XYZbot's Fritz offers a cheaper robot head, free trips to the uncanny valley. - It's been relatively easy to get your hands on an expressive robot face... if you're rich or a scientist, that is. XYZbot would like to give the rest of us a shot by crowdfunding Fritz, an Arduino-powered robot head ...

Fritz is a "robot puppet" that is just launching on Kickstarter. We spoke with the brains behind the project, and even got an insider peek at the CAD models behind the design ...


Fritz, The Robot Puppet Head You Can Control With Your Computer, Wants Your Help On Kickstarter. Meet Elmo 2.0. The robotics startup XYZBot has launched a Kickstarter project for a new bot called Fritz, a robotic puppet head whose facial expressions can closely mimic those of a human, and who can be controlled remotely via computer, joystick or gaming controller ...


See The Many Robotic Faces of Fritz. Fritz is a smooth talkin' guy. On occasion, he's a little awkward and needy passive-aggressive, even. Sometimes, for lack of better words, he's just a jerk. He's whatever you want him to be. Most puppets are ...


See The Many Robotic Faces of Fritz. Fritz is a smooth talkin' guy. On occasion, he's a little awkward and needy passive-aggressive, even. Sometimes, for lack of better words, he's just a jerk. He's whatever you want him to be. Most puppets are ...


Fritz is an amazing robotic puppet that needs your support, and your creativity. The true-form and community of ‘puppetry arts’ may not be as mainstream as it deserves, but a recent fusion with modern-tech might just be the jumpstart the medium needs to reach a broader audience ...

What Are People Saying About Fritz? Fritz .. achieves an excellent interpretation of human facial expressions using only 13 motions.

Engadget XYZbot's Fritz offers a cheaper robot head, free trips to the uncanny valley.

the Slanted Fritz is an amazing robotic puppet that needs your support, and your creativity

Fritz was also mentioned on The Huffington Post.

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